The nightmare was about a demonic possession. A long time ago, there was an evil in a small town and it was jealous of the girl and would never let her go, since the devil loved the girl. One night, the evil raped the girl and she became pregnant. After months the girl could not hide her baby, her father figured her secret out and clapped the girl in irons and locked her room door. But the evil put the gun to her father temple and saved the girl. The father had a stroke and had been sleeping on the bed for three months and died. Time went on and the girl brought a child into the world. Naturally, people who were living in the village heard the story and they did not want to see neither the girl nor the baby since when the baby was born, plants dried in the field, fishes lost in the lake and people had prayed to the god for rain, but nothing changed in the village. People got so angry, dug a hole in front of the fountain, put her into the hole and threw stones at her face. The girl died soon after. The evil went off the deep end, took a revenge of the village and killed everyone except two sisters because the evil wanted them to take care of its baby...
母亲的不测丧生让弗兰克(伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood 饰)堕入了深深的疾苦当中,固然母亲生前并不是善类,乃至动辄就对弗兰克拳打脚踢,但在弗兰克的心目中,母亲的主要地位没有任何人可以或许取代。失恃之痛淤积在心中垂垂变质,杀人成了他独一的宣泄路子,无数的二八佳人成了弗 兰克的刀下冤魂,不但如斯,反常的弗兰克还将她们的头皮剥下来,置于家中赏识。一次偶尔中,弗兰克结识了摄影师安娜(卡罗琳·莫罗 Caroline Munro 饰),对弗兰克来讲,这是第一次也是独一的一次,他未将安娜视作猎物,而是一个仁慈热忱的女人。可是,弗兰克心里里的兽性没法压抑捋臂张拳,危险安娜仿佛成了没法避免的成果。